The Integratus Method is a multi-disciplinary approach involving the re-education and realignment of the posture. It addresses many problems,
not least those involving muscular pain and unwelcome emotional states.
As a natural health system, it provides a path to a more balanced and
aesthetic body as well as a practical approach to dealing with stress,
anxiety, depression and panic attacks.
The Method integrates various practices of relaxation, postural
rehabilitation, proprioception, breathing and exercise. It is a synthesis of
my own twenty year study of various principles and practices and the
experience of employing these with my patients over a similar period.
Working on both the physical and mental planes, the Method has an
active effect on relaxation, postural realignment, cognitive proprioception
and postural fitness.
It is small wonder we hear so much about meditation and relaxation these
days. The demands of modern living are such that stress and the resulting
increase in mental and physical tensions have almost become the
accepted price of this frantic lifestyle.
The results of excessive muscle tension are alarming. They can bring about
a misaligned and decentralised body structure leading to poorly
coordinated movements, tense shoulders, aching muscles and a flabby
abdomen. Experienced over a long period, they can lead to more serious
physical ailments. At the very least they can make us irritable and unable
to enjoy the simple pleasure of being alive and functioning well.
Achieving true relaxation is easier said than done. It requires finding the
right technique and somebody properly qualified to teach it. The
Integratus Method provides the answer on both accounts offering a way
of learning to relax that incorporates both breathing practices and a way
of controlling and managing stress.
The Integratus Method brings together the classic biomechanical
principles of posture with the Alexander Technique. Augmented with
other practices, those using the method can expect rapid and permanent
Essentially the work enables us to understand our own body. We come to
know the axis of balance. To discover the ideal ratio of its parts (muscle
chains). And to experience how breathing and posture each impact on the
other. It also shows us practical steps to release tensions.
Additionally, the method allows us to find the right relationship between
head and neck, neck and shoulders, shoulders and arms, back and chest,
and so on. It shows how all these relationships contribute to achieving a
harmonious postural balance. One that can free us from unnecessary
tension and bring about a return to natural muscle tone.
The Method majors on practical experiential work with particular
attention given to dealing with the stresses caused by modern life. This is
underpinned by academic study of anatomy and the biomechcanics of
body movement.
In short, those following the Integratus Method can look forward to a
more balanced, aesthetically pleasing body, free from pain and better able
to deal with stress.
The Integratus Method includes a fitness program of specific exercises.
These are focussed on major muscle groups including those responsible
for co-ordinating the automatic postural spinal erector and the
mechanisms for the stabilisation of balance.
The key to this part of the program is not so much the exercises
themselves but the way they are carried out. Practised with a conscious
mind and an awareness of the biomechanical balance shaft, additional
tension and unnecessary strain on joints are both avoided.
This physical conditioning includes weight training and is supported by
traditional mind/body practices that include meditation, Ashtanga Yoga
and Pilates.